Kolette | Senior Portraits

Soon to be High School graduates are thrilling to photograph because they’re at such pivotal points in their lives. Kolette had a tangible excitement. Like so many of her peers and graduates that came before her, it was clear that she had thought about this moment for years and years before, and it was hard to believe that it had actually arrived! We shot at the Blue Plate diner (a great setting with great food, by the way) and a few of the shots have her choosing a track on their Jukebox. There was a time when teens like her got a significant amount of their music consumption from very similar devices, but even with today’s crop carrying music on digital devices in their pockets, the feeling is still the same. Moving forward in life is and always will be both terrifying and exhilarating so, Kolette, good luck and carpe diem!

Kolette Senior Photos